Hauptstadt Taxi
Patient Transfers
We accompany you from your front door to the appointment - and back.
To your appointment and back
- Transportation to physiotherapy
- Admission, hospital transfer and dismissal trips
- Transports to your doctor's appointment
- Transportation to chemo- or radiotherapy
- Trips to dialysis
(no horizontal transport)
Billing with your health insurance company
We will take care of the billing process with your health insurance company.
We accept almost all health insurances.
Contact us at any time for advice.
1.Request documents
You will receive a prescription from your doctor. Your health insurance company will give you a permit.
2. Send your documents
Send us your documents and information via email. We will gladly assist you.
3. We take care of everything else
Once we received all the information and documents we need, we will take care of your trips and the billing with your health insurance.
Since I got ill I needed a reliable transportation service. I am always being picked up and driven to my doctor's appointment on time. One thing less to worry about!
Ina N.
The transportation to my physiotherapy and back home is working without a problem.
Jan K.
I'm glad that I don't have to take care of the billing process with my health insurance company.
Johanna P.